Arriving Light - THE IOWA SOURCE 2020
In Tranquility, Zen, Pole Dancer, Bujagali Rapids, Sheep in Skies - LEAPING CLEAR MAGAZINE
Scarborough Poems (Wordwrights Canada)
With Adam, Gathering (Albernum Press)
Dublin in the Sunlight (Albernum Press)
What the Street Knows (Albernum Press)
The Star Called Henry (Albernum Press)
Peace Comes Dropping Slow (Albernum Press)
Homage Songs
At Wasi Falls
The Dickens Bridge
Ben’s Song of Being
Collected Words, ed. Bill Dunphy
The Crafted Poem, ed. Susan Iannou
Creative Mosaic, ed. Alan Anderson
NuNow Anthology, ed. Ken Stange
Licking Honey from the Thorn ed. Roger Nash
Canoe Poems, ed. Bill Gibson
The Trees of Kilbroney, ed Csilla Toldy
Carrying the Branch, ed. Rustin Larson, Ami Kaye
Tunnel Jumping (Scarlet Leaf Press)
The Blackstock Children (Scarlet Leaf Press)