Denis Stokes was born in Toronto and grew up in Scarborough.  He was educated at St. Mike’s, U. of T., F.E.U.T. and Vermont College (MFA). He is the author of the chapbooks Scarborough Poems (Wordwrights Canada), Dublin in the Sunlight; With Adam, Gathering; What the Street Knows and Peace Comes Dropping Slow (all with Albernum Press) and the full length A Wolf Rages Down the Little Jocko (in final preparations in a search for a home.)

Denis has lived and taught in the GTA, northern B.C., northern Q.C. and northern Ontario, often involving students from First Nations. He has taught Fac. Ed. courses and Writing courses at Nipissing University. He organizes and hosts the Conspiracy of 3 Reading Series in North Bay, ON, one of the longest running series in Ontario.

He lives in North Bay with his very patient wife who has blessed him with four wonderfully grown up kids.